my digaddiction by canadianmommy

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

iNSD !!!!

BIG things are happening at ScrapMatters this weekend!! It's iNSD, have a look at what we have planned:

It's going to be a blast! See you there!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Speed Scrap!!!

Hi everyone!! Long time no blog…..once again! eek! I do have some good news though! I am hosting a speed scrap at ScrapMatters tomorrow night!Check it out:


and look at the awesome participation prize donated by Becca:


Isn’t that just an amazing alpha?! It can be yours, just join me right here tomorrow night and speed scrap with me! I have strep throat at the moment but the great thing about computers is……you won’t be able to catch it! LOL See you then!